Wayne Grabein is a well-travelled photographer, raised in Texas now residing in Miami Beach. Mr. Grabein began developing his creative sense at an early age. His inherent comprehension of color, composition, texture and detail were honed through experience and formal studies. He has a Journalism degree from Texas A&M University with a sub-specialty in Photo-journalism.
After graduating, Mr. Grabein worked the next 25 years in the publishing industry for newspapers, magazines and corporate communications. During this time, his design experience and creativity continued to expand with every project, with photography as a prominent ingredient.
Artistically, Mr. Grabein has worked in various media through the years. Now, photography is now his primary expression medium of choice. He uses a more “classical” approach to his photography, choosing not to create digital montages, but life as it is.
“See the world through my eyes,” is more than a catch phrase for Mr. Grabein. It’s his creative goal to capture and share unexpected and/or reinterpreted sights which viewers may overlook in the bustle of their daily lives. He strives to present works to spark the individual’s own creative aspirations.
In September 2013, Mr. Grabein held his first solo exhibition, “Look UP!” at Izaroqui Gallery in Miami at the Wynwood Building. The 12 images are shown on this site under “Gallery”. Each of these works are limited editions and available for purchase.
In addition to the “Look UP!” gallery, this website presents four broad categories of photography topics simply for organizational purposes. Browse them all. New works will be added as they become available.
If you have interest in any of the works, please use the site’s “Contact” feature for more information. All works are for sale.